Pornography addiction is a common struggle for many men They report an increasing pre-occuption with "surfing the web" for porn. It may be a stand alone problem or something that escalates into frequenting strip clubs, "massage" parlors, adult bookstores and other behaviors that create negative consequences in their lives and relationships.
Many of my clients talk about feeling "out of control" or "unable to stop." As time invested in on-line pornography activities increases, the results can wreak havoc on the person's life - in terms of risking relationships, work productivity and ethics, finances, spirituality and legal issues.
This is the primary clinical specialization of Hope Source Counseling. I will work side-by-side with you to provide a focused counseling plan and tools for recovery. I will assist you in breaking the hold of pornography addiction in your life to achieve a more balanced life and healthier sexuality.
"For years I made the excuse, 'everyman does this' and maybe that is true. But, for me, surfing the web for porn was not just an occasional thing to do. I felt drawn to it even while I was doing other things. More and more of my down time was consumed by it. I was hiding it from everyone, including my wife, lying to her about it and isolating more and more. Thankfully, I contacted Hope Source and with your guidance and support I have kicked a problem that I have had most of my life."
Has Your Spouse or Partner's Porn Use Hurt You?
If you are the spouse or significant other of a person who is dealing with pornography addiction and or deceptive use of porn (and/or other behaviors as described above), discovering your loved one's secretive behavior often leads to depression, rage, confusion, loneliness, poor self image, overeating or substance abuse, over spending, sexual withdrawal and can even lead to infidelity.